Tytöillä on siivet selässään ja mekot ja pojilla vihreät paidat ( Panin hattua he eivät oikein tykääneet pitää).
Sain tämän tanssin idean Barryn kirjan sanoista, jotka jäivät mieleeni heti ensimmäisellä lukukerralla
"Kun ensimmäinen vauva nauroi ensimmäisen kerran, se nauru hajosi tuhansiksi palasiksi ja ne kimpoilivat ympäriinsä - niin saivat keijut alkunsa".
Tänä vuonna erikoista on myös se, että "joudun itse lavalle". Molemmissa ryhmissäni on sisarus, joka tulee myös näyttämölle, minun parikseni. Hienoa päästä kokemaan esitys aikuisen näkökulmasta.
I haven´t had time to write this blog for a long time and it due to this time of the year; every dance school is getting ready for the spring performances. So do we, the toddler dancers and I. This year my groups are going to perform a dance called "The Tinker Bells and the Peter Pans". Little girls and boys are going to be on stage wtih their parents. The music is by Manicini called the Ballerina´s Dream and it suits well to this beautiful dance.
The costumes are wings and dresses and the boys wear green ( wearing a hat was very uncomfortable for the boys).
I got the idea for the dance form the words of the Peter Pan book by Barry.
"When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies."
These words have been in my mind ever since I read the book for the first time.
One special thig with the performance this year is that I ´m going to be on stage. There is a sister in both of my groups who needs an adult to accompany her on stage with her. It is really interesting and wonderful to be able to experience a performance from the point af view of an adult who is accompanying a child through a performance.
Hurmaava hattu! Ja ihana idea! Tsemppiä kevääseen =)