"Vuoden vanha näkee mielellään muita lapsia, vaikka ei kovin kauan jaksakaan leikkiä heidän kanssaan.Kaksivuotias on mielellään muutaman kerran viikossa ohjtussa ryhmässä, tunnin pari kerrallaan. Kolmevuotias kykenee 3-4 tunnin ohjattuun ryhmätoimintaan useamman kerran viikossa."
Vasta 3-vuotiaan kohdalla psykologian professori Keltikangas- Järvisen mukaan on"ryhmäkokemuksista selvää hyötyä, sitä nuorempien hyötymisestä ei tiedetä, mutta useimmista lapsista toiminta on hauskaa, eikä siitä ainakaan haittaa ole."
Oman kokemukseni mukaan juuri näin onkin tanssikasvatuksessa. Vasta 3-vuotiaat omana ryhmänään, ja sitä pienemmät aikuisen kanssa tutustumassa ryhmätilanteeseen, ja aikuinen-lapsitunneilla käydään jos ja kun siitä on iloa sekä lapselle että aikuiselle.
Olisi kiva kuulla mielipiteitänne, jos tämä bestseller on sattunut lukemiseksenne?
Sometime ago I mentioned that I was going to read the book above. It is about the social development of children under school age. I truly recommend this ( but I don´t know if it has been translated yet to another language). The book is mostly about day care on children under 4 years old, but it has interesting knowledge about the hobbies and their effects to very young children . Here is a quote ( the bloggers own translation ) page 216:
"A one year old child is happy to meet other children, although she or he likes to play only little time with
others. Two years olds like to go to a group with an instructor once or twice a week an hour or two at a time. Three years old children are able to participate in a group with instructors several times a week three or four hours at a time."
According to the professor of physology Keltikangas-Järvinen". Being in a group is clearly positive thing for children who are three years old or older. There is no knowledge about the beneficial factors with children under three years, but there is no certainly harm to them".
According to my own experiences this is just the same with dance lessons - Three years old children come without their parents and children under three years come with their own adults to learn how to be part of a group. And everybody keep coming as lons as the children and the adults enjoy the dance lessons.
Love to hear your views...
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